Case Study: Michael Gillum of Gillum Financial Services
How ProspectBoss Helped Michael Save Money On Prospecting

About Michael's Business
Michael has been in the financial services industry since 2010. His company helps individuals protect assets, accumulate welath, and plan for retirement. His goal is to offer clients a way to efficiently distribute their assests to minimize riska nd maximize income. Michael also offers services in the medicare industry to help individuals turning 65 navigate their health insurance options. Michael’s business is based in Austin, Texas.
Before Using ProspectBoss
Prior to signing up for ProspectBoss, Michael was relying on seminars and networking events to connect and engage with potential clients. This was working pretty well for Michael, but it was really expensive trying to keep up with it all. His sales goals were “5 Medicare Supplements per week coupled with life and annuities and anything else I could cross-sell.”
Using ProspectBoss & Saving Money
Michael soon realized that the expense of all the seminars and networking events was not giving him a great ROI. He needed to try something different. So he did. He signed up with ProspectBoss and used the multi-line Dialer CRM for cold calling prospects. He was able to speak to a far greater number of people in a much shorter space of time. He stopped relying on the other methods as the primary means of gaining business and was able to save money while still hitting his sales goals.
Michael's Calling Stats
By calling for 3 hours in a single day, Michael can call over 2000 people while only investing $99 per month with ProspectBoss. He consistently reached his sales goal at 5 Medicare Supplements per week plus life and annuities.
Talk Time in Hours
Total Calls Made
Leads Talked Too
Appointments Made
Policies Signed
Tools Michael Used
Michael mainly focused on using ProspectBoss’ CRM 3 Line Dialer to call his leads. He also took advantage of one of our bundles that included consumer lead search. By bundling, he was able to save more money while taking advangtage of the efficiency of a dialer and lead database combo.
ProspectBoss 3 Line Dialer
Our CRM Dialer allows you to maximize your sales strategy while minimize cost and time. To learn more about it’s features and our 10-Day Trial, visit our page.
Not cold lists, but clean, targeted prospect lists based on the parameters you specify. You’ll have access to over 30 million consumers and over 14 million businesses across the U.S., plus a separate list of Canadian consumers. Find out more here.
Michael’s Take On ProspectBoss
“ProspectBoss is amazing! Thank you for your platform!”
ProspectBoss Team
We cater to Real Estate & Insurance agents but love seeing clients from all industries using our solution successfully. From lead generation and tracking, to CRM and data resources, we’ve got the solution for all your prospecting needs.
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