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Life insuranceĀ sales training & cold call training is essential in theĀ insuranceĀ industry, yet so many newĀ insuranceagentsĀ are “struggling” to make sales in their formative years as newĀ agents.

How do I know this?

I’ve been a sales coach for the last 3 years and most of my clients who come to me for coaching wereĀ insuranceagents,Ā mortgageĀ brokers,Ā financialĀ advisors and networkmarketers, among almost every other industry you could think of at some time or another.

Among some of the more abstract industries for cold calling coaching, I’ve even trained army recruiters, who cold called parents to sign their under 21 year old child to the armed forces, a funeral pre-burial service for humans (and pets, believe it or not) and many others.

My point is, I know cold calling and what is required forĀ life insuranceĀ sales training to be effective. What many sales trainers teach are often fairly “high-pressure” techniques (I know, I’ve seen the newĀ agentsĀ sales scripts). My firstadviceĀ is to throw out the scripts, and from there we work on the mindset first and foremost, and we stay in alignment with low-pressure, no force, philosophies when selling, which is truly the way to win new business.

Once we get the mindset right, we can then begin on wording and making calls, but first we need to role play the specific scenario’s for who the industry that theĀ agentsĀ will be calling on.

This is often where many hiccups occur, the poor new agent is so “Hyped Up” from their initial training, they have “no hope” of making a sale the old way without exerting pressure and losing trust, and while they might make sales, their going to feel uncomortable, pressure their clients and run the risk of losing them at a later date.

Actually, most of the time I get asked the question… “How do I get my foot in the door, so I’m in front of a new prospect? I’m right once I can sit down with them and I normally get the sale.”

But they often blow it before they can get to sit down and have a chat, so that’s where a new low-pressure approach fits in and helps melt away the pressure and “open doors” on that first cold call.

NormalĀ life insuranceĀ sales training won’t cover this angle of sales for newĀ agents, becuase the mindset you learn is so very different.

My recommendation is to be yourself, take the hype out, and just have a conversation like you’re talking to a friend.

That alone will be worth thousands to you, because in the long term when it comes down to you and the mirror, you need to get results for “yourself” first and foremost, and by getting to the truth of where the client is at, will certainly help you open sales, if not now, down the track.

Try it and let me know how you go, I’m sure it will help you and that’s speaking from my first hand experience as a qualifiedĀ life insuranceĀ sales training coach, specialising in cold calling. Seeing many people go through a “transformation” and unwinding from a “high-pressure” hypey outlook to a one of relaxed, calm and trusting.

By Adam Price

Retrieved 2 November 2012 from:—Cold-Calling-New-Life-Insurance-Leads-/178471#.UKJomIdJOAh

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