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If you are looking for high-quality data, then look no further! has ALL of your data needs covered. offers business and residential list that you are able to filter so that you can reach your target market.

Our consumer database contains over 30 millions records that are sorted by geographical area and our business database contains approximately14 millions records that are also sorted by geographical area as well as by SIC codes!

Some of the additional features that has to offer are:

  • Run counts if needed.
  • Helpdesk – Any time you need support contact us.
  • Profile – Edit your profile, password, etc. any time.
  • Payment History – Track your payments for business expenses.
  • Subscription Status – Add or renew your subscriptions as needed.

You can get both list for $499 or you can purchase them separately – the business list for $199 or the residential list for $349.

Corporate rates are available and if you are a or SalesDialersPro customer, special rates.

Give us a call at (800) 662-4009 ext 2 for more information.