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I am finally going to outline a few ways you can actually ask for a referral without sounding weak or needy.

This is the most difficult part for many people. But it doesn’t have to be.

If you have executed the steps outlined in yesterday’s post you will be well on your way because that’s the most difficult part of asking for referrals.

Are you uncomfortable?

However, just like asking for the sale, many people feel uncomfortable asking for referrals.

They think will be perceived as begging for business.

They believe that the other person will be offended by their asking

They assume that their contact won’t be able to refer them.

They don’t want to offend people.

They are afraid of appearing desperate for business.

However, it is important to understand that when you ask for a referral in the appropriate manner people will not think that you are being rude, direct, weak or desperate for business.

How to ask

Once you have described your ideal client or prospect, it is simply a matter of asking.
Here are a few examples…

“Bill, as you know I have helped your sales team achieve a 17 percent in sales in the last year through my programs. What non-competing companies do you know might benefit from my services?”

“Susan, do you know any sole proprietor business owners who might benefit from health/dental coverage?”

“Rick, who in your network might be able to use PR services to grow their business?”

You can also start your request by saying something like this…

“Eleanor, as you know, I rely on referrals to grow my business…”

Then ask for the referral that you’re looking for.

Here are few things to keep in mind when asking for referrals…

Start with people you know

It is much easier to ask people you know for a referral—providing they know exactly what you do and the results you help others achieve.

Ask recent satisfied customers

Your most recent satisfied customers are a great referral source. After you have completed a contract or job with a customer, take a moment to remind them how you helped them and follow up by asking them for a referral.

Most customers who are completely happy with your solution will be more than willing to give you a referral.
Don’t rush it

Just because you have met someone at a networking event does not mean that you have earned the right to ask for a referral.

You will get much better results by demonstrate the value you offer BEFORE asking them to connect you with someone else. This includes referring them to someone else or helping them solve a business problem.
As Bob Burg says, “Go-givers get.”

It may sound simple but too many people focus solely on getting referrals instead if giving them.
What about you?

How do you ask for referrals?

Add your comment…I’m sure other readers would appreciate your insight.

By: Kelley Robertson

Retrieved 24 September 2012 from