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It’s not uncommon for real estate agents to join Facebook, create a fan page and then complain it doesn’t kick up any leads. You’re active in the community, get a lot of likes and shares and people generally love you–so what gives?

Well, here are a few easy strategies to consider.

1. Use Promoted Posts

One of the major drawbacks with Facebook is that only about 12% of your fans will see any one single post. And of course timing matters, too. Now, if you have a small budget then you can leverage Facebook’s Promoted Post tool to help bring in more attention and interaction with your posts.

The thing is you don’t need to do this with every post. Only on the ones that are the most important. So create a compelling post with a strong call to action, then target that post to the right people (Facebook has targeting options).

It’s best to start small and run a small test to measure your assumptions. You don’t want to blow your whole budget on a failed concept. Learn from the small test and slowly roll out to the larger target group. This will help you maximize your budget. Once you’ve got a winner, roll it out.

2. Increase Engagement and Fan Profile

An interesting by-product of using the Promoted Post feature is that you will begin to learn more about your fans and target audience. Yes, this will consume some of your time, but ask yourself what the price is of knowing who your audience is. Is it worth your time? Can you hire an intern or young, eager relative to help you out? Trust me, the time invested will be worth it.

Your engagement will start to rise with your Promoted Post campaigns since the content will be getting more shares and likes, which leads to more exposure in your fans feeds (which doesn’t cost you anything).

3. Decrease Attrition

The Promoted Post campaign will also reduce the number of negative actions taken against you like unliking your page. That usually occurs because you are sharing irrelevant information to that user. For example, say you have people who want to buy condos and people who want to buy commercial real estate. If you target your audience those two audiences won’t see your promotions for each other. This makes sense especially since you might post several times a day.

By Real Estate Marketing Blog

Retrieved 27 November 2012 from